Lovesick Anathema

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21 AGE
The Divine World HOME
Toyhouse | Artfight (ID: 91713) LINKS


Magical nets used to capture spirits, or malignant Gods.

A glass and brass ornament to seal Blithe before.

It's got an odd shape, flatter from a side view like a headband.

Just decorative.

There's a lot in the area. She finds them cute.

Pond fish
She raises them, but might eat them...


Italian / Italy
She is italian.
The Recycle Award
This character has been completely revamped into a new character.
This character is oblivious / This character is significantly oblivious.
Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass
This character has a heart of gold, but is also a grade A buffoon.
O Magnum Mysterium
This character lives in a temple.

Character Overview

Nacrea is one of few Pandoras, half human demigods blessed by the Gods in exchange for shepherding the world’s Miseries. Based in Italy, Nacrea is in charge of the Uncertainty Misery, Blithe, who she seals within a thurible. The two actually get along very well as friends as Blithe’s ambitions of power are in the past.

Docile and good hearted, Nacrea is known to be a down to earth person, and it shows if she chooses to spend time with a formerly evil God like any other person. Maybe since she lives so peacefully for the most part, it encourages others to do the same and enjoy mundane things as much as she does. While she can be considered peaceful, she's also an airhead so she'll unintentially get herself into trouble and be calm about it. Sometimes Blithe feels more like a parent than a friend to her when she's does things like hold dangerous bugs or walk into a wall. She always laughs it off but it's worrisome anyway. Even if she isn't one to gossip or chat much, she's still somewhat nosy and when others do things, she wants to be involved or know what's happening. She's sort of like an NPC that walks in your way until you interact with it.

Likes: Beetles, Warm fires, Berries, Small fish, Leaf raking
Dislikes: Cicadas, Strong alcohol, Rusted metal, Cold weather, Stairs

Character Lore

Still being human in looks and abilities, Nacrea didn’t stand out until it was her turn to watch over the long captured Uncertainty Misery. In fact, Blithe’s reign of mischief ended generations before Nacrea was born. As a child she was just told to steer clear of the ornate thurible set in its own room, and not to question those assigned to watching over it. When she did ask, she was told it’s just a holy object, a subject of prayer or faith perhaps— nothing to worry about. And yet, she persisted in asking, “Why does it give off a bad feeling?” With the last Pandora assigned passing a while back, someone who had the god’s blessing in sensing the Miseries, those around Nacrea realized she wasn’t fooled. Next up, arrangements were officially made to set Nacrea as the next Pandora. Before the title, she was a simple and mostly docile child that blended in with peers. After word spread that she had a wonderful ability with the supernatural, she was placed on a pedestal. She didn’t quite care about the change even if she had to live in a vacant temple to maximize surveillance of the Misery, she was usually alone enough that she wasn’t always caught up in praising crowds and the like. In such a strange new home, full of historical artifacts and the history of previous Pandoras, Nacrea spent the rest of her childhood learning what she needed to accomplish and doing any training that was needed.

By the time she became an adult, she still felt that bad feeling from the thurible. Swinging it around only aggravated what was in there more instead of quelling it, so she stopped that long ago(but Blithe remembers the mishandling). At her age, she felt her intuition couldn’t fail her, as an adult her choices have enough thought, but is the ordeal of releasing Blithe worth it? Was it safe? She was someone blessed, with years of training and knowledge on resealing just in case. That said, she decided to unseal a being she was told countless exaggerated tales about. The moment seemed magical, bright lights, glittering smoke coming from the ornament, a grand being standing before her. Nacrea originally wondered if she just unleashed a regular god, but doubted it at the being’s terrible first impression. No title bragging or flaunting of power, no cool aura, just a very confused Misery on the ground for the first time in generations. Disoriented completely, Blithe expected to be resealed immediately, yet Nacrea’s enthusiasm already passed and she figured she would just go to another room. Shortly returning with a meal, she offered it to the mostly human-looking boy in front of her. “You…you’re looking down at me aren’t you?! Bringing this here to poison me, aren’t you-“ Nacrea had silenced him with a spoonful, she wasn’t the best cook, and Blithe wasn’t a fan of soup, but suddenly he missed small human experiences like these. Despite his prior dislike of humans, Blithe still indulged in their activities out of curiosity. If they learned anything from observation, being given food could mean a poisoning, sure, not that it would kill them, but it could also mean care and affection. Unless it was a trap that would harm him later, at that moment, Blithe decided Nacrea was showing care to him. He instigated trouble with humans before and earned their disdain, yet this stranger unconditionally spent time with him, something he didn’t hate after years of solitude and festering anger.

From then on they coexisted, Nacrea doing her daily tasks as usual, Blithe engaging in them as well oddly enough. The life they live now is lax, and sometimes Blithe actually worries about how lax Nacrea can be. There was a brief panic when some townspeople visited Nacrea, seeing her preparing dinner with the abhorred Blithe, but she conjured a badly improvised script that having Blithe as an ally could help them if another Misery appears. To Blithe’s bewilderment, they went along with it as if he wasn’t destroying towns years ago, maybe the stories changed to lesser crimes. He wondered why Nacrea was truly accepting of him, or if she was prepared to take him down should he cause a ruckus. To be honest, Nacrea’s independent and unfazed nature was thanks to her early childhood. She didn’t actually grow up with both of her parents and had stayed with neighbors that she didn’t latch onto. Whether she cared for her own parents is also unclear, she always changes the topic when she has to recall anything, but she’s satisfied with the company around her now. Not belonging in a group due to wanting to do things herself, and Blithe not getting in her way in general, Nacrea is fine with the one companion she has, someone who doesn’t pry into the morally gray aspects of her experiences. By the time Gingko appears to take Blithe as an ally, the Misery is initially adamant to not go; Nacrea’s company is beneficial as she doesn’t seal him, and there’s no picking at his identity as a potential harbinger of evil. However, with Nacrea’s ability to detect the Miseries, she is willing to help Gingko when needed. Only then does Blithe agree to tag along, but both aren’t opposed to the new things they come across.

Character Relationships

"Insert quote here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
Insert dynamic here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

"Insert quote here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
Insert dynamic here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

"Insert quote here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
Insert dynamic here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

Character Design

Design Notes

- 5'1. Tan, prefers wearing baggy or long clothes that cover her limbs even if its in layers.

- Has two looped ponytails shaped like an 8/infinity sign. Her hair is hip length and thin when down.

- Expressive with her face but she's well composed and doesn't lash out or anything like that. Calm and chill.

Color Palette
From left to right: skin, eyes, hair, clothes

Character Gallery