Solstitial Cygnus

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Audette ShcheglovFULL NAME
Demon/Human SPECIES
Reuya, Russia HOME
Toyhouse | Artfight (ID: 91195) LINKS


To carry anything that catches her eye.

Nesting dolls
A gift from Artemii during their first meeting.

Whenever it's given to her, she holds onto it to share it with someone else.

Music box
A new one given to her by her brother after she gave hers to Bambina.

The Swan Princess
Her favorite story, at least to relate to another half human girl.


The heroine of Solstitial Cygnus.
Ball of Sunshine Ribbon
This character can make you laugh or smile at any time. Drawing/thinking about this character cheers you up.
Horned Creature
This character has horns.
She is Russian.
Half Demon
This character is a half demon.

Character Overview

Audette is a young demon child who lives in Reuya, Russia with her brother Remi.Their mother told Remi to take her away during a civil war so Remi raised her. She goes to school and has a decent life but occasionally she sees a tall figure watching her or near her in the woods to her home...

She has a heart of gold and has been raised kind enough that she's not selfish, in fact too forgiving for her own good at times. She meets others with an idea that they're all good or going through a rough time unless proven otherwise that some are just not good people. Like any child, Audette is inexperienced in most aspects of the world. Naturally this makes her a curious person willing to learn about her surroundings, yet someone who isn't used to or exposed to the dark aspects of life itself. She's fortunate to have a good upbringing, but with her youth in mind, any especially bad expereinces will be things she won't forget. She's somewhat forgetful, always accepting new tasks even if she forgets to complete previous requests. She gets side tracked a lot, going with the flow of each day, and has forgotten Remi's medicine on a few occasions, immediately going back for it.

Likes: Dolls, Sledding, Adventuring, Fairytales, Reading
Dislikes: Aspen tree eyes, Snowstorms, Stubbornness, Shortness, Pity

Character Lore

CW: Mentions of war

When Audette was born, it was still during times of civil war and uncertainty in their region. Early into her infancy, her parents sent her older brother away, with Audette in tow, to a known sanctuary in Reuya, their mother's hometown. She was just a couple months old, a child who's smile was the joy of her family's, one that'd motivate each during their difficult times. For her brother Remi, he was hesitant travelling alone with his baby sister, but traversed through the forests with the thought of his sister's wellbeing in mind. For her parents, their children came at the forefront of their decisions, ultimately staying behind to take care in helping others during the war. With the worst case scenario in mind, their children were sent to Maruska's orphanage in reuya should they not reunite, and given that Remi never saw them again, they're assumed to have passed away. Still, raised alongside other children affected by the wars, the Shcheglov siblings weren't lonely and even had each other as support. As Audette grew older, she still felt having one family member at her side was fulfilling enough. There were others with memories fresh of losing those dear to them, those who'd become worn down from the circumstances with a heavy heart, so Audette was grateful of what she was left with.

Naturally, the orphanage was going to be filled with an unexpected amount of children as many were left orphaned or abandoned. The atmosphere was still pleasant given that everyone was individually cared for and solace was found within one another. The town itself also cared for the children as their own despite not taking them in, knowing the orphanage was full of existing friendships and those who considered each other family. Audette and Remi still moved out at one point. Mr. Mak was a doctor traveling Asia and Europe wherever he was needed, providing care to demons as he was one himself. With Reuya being his hometown that he frequented from time to time, he took a liking to the Shcheglov siblings enough to let them grow up in his former home in Reuya. A handful of other kids lived in empty homes as well so they weren't an exception. Remi especially benefited from the move as he'd study the medical material left behind. Audette still attended the orphanage for schooling, going home and meeting up with her sickly brother in the evenings. Life was simple and repetitive for the most part, but Reuya was always a sanctuary untouched by the war.

There came a day where Audette feared for her life, where a strong blizzard picked up and she was stuck in the forest away from home. Taking shelter under a thick conifer, she was found trembling by none other than an angel watching over their town, Artemii. Since their meeting that day, Artemii has become a dear friend she's since frequented, certain that with him in their town the peace would continue. With his stationing being a precaution for a killer in the region, the safety of Reuya becomes debatable. Despite previous warnings not to interact with strangers, Audette found herself crossing paths with the angels more than once. By now they were aware that she was a demon like many in the town, but paid it no mind. Others she'd run across were an unfamiliar silent old lady wandering the woods, one who'd allow Audette to speak her mind and lead her into town every once in a while. In actuality, it was a Goddess protecting the town in disguise, not that she'd reveal it. While good experiences existed like that, blessings even, there was danger on the other end of the spectrum. Unknowingly, the child serial killer wandering Russia was one stranger turned acquaintance in Audette's life, and one that'd threaten it.

Character Relationships

Remi Shcheglov
"Don't worry, Remi! I'll be back before it gets dark!"
Audette is Remi's little sister, a sweet child that never fails to make him smile and laugh in the end, as surprising as she can be. He worries over her as much as she worries over his health, both not lamenting over the fact that he can't always play. Time can be spent cooking together, falling asleep to the same bedtime stories, simply by living together. The inclusion of Lacra and Mircea in their home doesn't take away from their time together, still content that their little family grows more with time.

Artemii Funar
"You don't want to play? It's the least I can do after you saved me, mister angel... Oh! You do want to? Then, lets play fipe!"
Audette met Artemii when she was stuck in a blizzard one day. It's safe to say she felt relieved, then terrified if he was an angel, but he assured he wasn't around to stir trouble. While Audette doesn't know his reason for being in the town, that someone dangerous is lurking, she's happy to get to know someone new even if he doesn't particuarly say much. Their dynamic is like that of a child and parent, or somewhat like a big brother and little sister. All in all, they care about each other greatly.

Bambina Zhavoronkov
"Can you show me the dance again? I did see it, but I want to see it one more time! You look beautiful!"
Bambina is Audette's best friend, another child from another town, but they share the same schooling at Snezhana's. Audette fully supports her friend's aspirations to become a dancer, and they share countless pinky promises to see the world and play together even when they're older. In the future, Audette becomes a painter, with Bambina as a favorite muse.

Character Design

Design Notes

- 3'9, short. Wears mostly traditional russian clothes.

- Time period is modern but her town is just traditional, can wear newer clothes though.

- Hair is chest length and wavy naturally(and from braids).

Color Palette
From left to right: skin, hair, eyes, clothes

Character Gallery