Chicory Faust

Currently Playing:
1/4. Cry by CAS (ArmandPiano cover)

Chicory Bryony Faust FULL NAME
24 AGE
Medical Student OCCUPATION
Brooklyn, NY HOME
Toyhouse | Artfight (ID: 90626) LINKS


Its very pink and decorated from the case, to the charm-filled strap on it.

Tote Bag
She has a wall covered with her tote bag collection.

Messages to penpals she found online. While she wanted to find a partner through it, she just got friends, which is a better outcome.

Her iconic accessory! Sort of looks like cat ears.

Two parakeets, one white and blue, another golden. Gifted to her by Juillet.


This character is just a little silly!!!
Earned their Angel Wings
This character has a strong bond with their owner due to them being based off of real problems in their life.
A character who is themed around being cute.
City Lover
Camping is not in this character's dictionary. They prefer the comforts of indoor living.
Floral Divinity
AThis character is inspired by or related to a flower; the Chicory flower.
A whole Garden of Flowers
This character lives in their siblings shadow, often ignored or seen as lesser.
A character that is dearly beloved by the owner.
Match Made in Heaven
This character is being shipped with another character; Juillet.
Oh Brother
This character has a brother.
This character travels a lot.
Inner Peace
This character wants to achieve inner peace.
Road To Discovery
This character's backstory took a long time to develop, or went under multiple changes.
Made for Love
This character was created for the sole purpose of shipping originally.
One whose level of romantic attraction fluctuates in intensity.
She is half French
Half Irish.
A character who is themed around being cute.
Floral Divinity
This character is inspired by or related to a flower; Chicory Flower.
Soft Colors
This character has pastel themes.
Study Buddy
This character is a student.

Character Overview

Cory(for short) is an Irish/French girl currently living in Brooklyn while she studies to be a surgeon. Despite being sheltered by her overbearing parents and inadvertently by staying by her big brother, Cory has tried hard to be independent since moving out for school. Regarded as something like a caretaker for Juillet, she begins living with him after becoming friends, and partly to save on living expenses.

She's very smart, and for every question she has an answer. She's good to have around due to knowing first aid for one, but she's a cheerful person who's fueled by the bonds she has with others. Restless and dutiful, she's open to doing tasks for others and always getting something done. Her occasional indulgence in cute things or things not suited to adults can be refreshing. Chicory can be naive in romance, believing that fictional happenings are possible, but sincere love is difficult to really find. She was the type to easily blush and get sappy, but when she met Juillet they were always so casual that gestures that turned romantic didn't dawn on either of them at first. When they realize they already live as a couple later, Chicory is already so used to him she doesn't get constant butterflies to her demise. She's a people pleaser for her own reputation at first, raised to think relationships matter if the other party is a stepping stone, so she naturally gets on others' good sides for that. She's learning not to expect things of others and not stoop over for a result, after all meeting genuine people who don't need her to work so hard.

Likes: Challenges, Romantic fiction, Horror/Thrillers, RPGs, Stretching.
Dislikes: Jeans/sandals, Worrying, Tea, Her parents, Commitments.

Character Lore

Chicory’s childhood was an exhausting one. Whether it was the hard work she put forth into her academic life, her demanding family life, or even a disappointing love life, she still tended to keep going with the thought that things would be better into adulthood. As a child, she wasn’t the favorite child, a reality she didn’t quite mind if she admired her kind brother, Ennis, regardless of the comparisons her parents made. Ennis always told her he admired the things she did that he couldn’t do, that her differences with others were the beauty that’d draw others to her. It really did, yet it was also the reason she couldn’t easily hold relationships very long growing up. Perhaps due to her parents not caring about spending family time with her outside of school achievements, she coveted mutual feelings of love that any opportunity to date behind her family’s back was quickly taken. A handful of people had crushes on her whether it was her soft looks, or her intelligence, but quickly falling for others just because they liked her wasn’t a good course of action. A fan of fiction, she naively believed in things like love at first sight, that romance didn’t need to be paced slowly. A bad mindset she’d learn from, being disregarded as a partner repeatedly made her think her differences with others ultimately led to being alone time and again. Trying to be trendy and fit in wouldn’t last long once she’d get comfortable, and eventually even her views of love felt skewed. She still felt drawn to those who took an interest in her, yet the feeling being mutual made her feel like it wasn’t going to work, that she was wasting both of their times. Friendships as well lost their merit when she’d learn her friends had crushes on her, the air no longer being comfortable, instead suffocating. It’s as if she loved being in love, was repulsed being in love, that avoiding it altogether would fend off the unsettling butterflies.

So the rest of her youth was spent diligently working towards a medical degree. She was sure that the first step to finding her peace was moving out, even if during college in another city like Brooklyn. Dorm life had its ups and downs too though, a temporary hurdle in her eyes, but working so hard was taking a toll on her health if she lacked sleep or didn’t prioritize eating at times. Frequenting cafes to study and eat simultaneously, she’d noticed a man so beautiful she couldn’t forget his face after seeing him once, amazed when they ran into each other at the same places. She would’ve stared from afar, but he seemed to notice her familiar face without ever speaking, initiating a friendship if they could share a table. Chicory vowed not to fall for someone so easily again, no matter how sweet and gentle Juillet seemed, since school was a priority anyway. Yet his kindness extended to offering a spare room in his apartment to save on tuition, and perhaps they’d both cook more with the saved time near her college. He was a working adult already close in age to her, someone so carefree who didn’t have to worry about college, but she’d learned of his heavy troubles as well. Living together would be beneficial for his health as well, but she knew her role isn’t to fix his issues, she’s just his friend. The normalcy they’d provide each other was cozy enough to get by.

Chicory now continues to wrap up her studies, rooted on by her dear friend, and he even got her pet budgies early on into her move in since she said she never had the chance to grow up with pets. Having them seems to make both roommates work harder to care for themselves so they can care for the birds. Chicory still talks with her brother as well, him glad she’s found good company when he can’t always be around, but he’s also noted Chicory speaks of Juillet more than she notices. The idea of formally dating still sounded daunting so she pushed ideas to the back of her mind, but one way or another the two ended up dating eventually without really saying so. Hugs seemed to last longer, the sound of the others’ laugh sounded like music, and they’d catch the other staring in such an affectionate way that it was obvious. Living together itself felt as if they were already domestic, so Chicory felt as if this romance was backwards compared to the formulas fiction used. Yet there wasn’t anything to complain about, being more casual than overly romantic was the balance she needed to begin accepting love again, gradually. For someone whose name was a flowering weed, a pretty thing that could be disregarded, she’d found someone who found her lovely as is.

Character Relationships

Ennis Faust
"Yes, I really am taking care of myself. Yeah...Juillet takes care of me too. Hey! Don't make it sound so embarrassing!"
Ennis is her big brother, a playful and kind person in her life, the first perhaps. She readily listens to him and respects him, but they seem more childish as adults without their parents hovering, so they can now pick on each other lightly. Their phone calls last hours, and hangouts too if they never check the time between chatting. Ennis hopes she's always doing well but is sure she'd also tell him if she ever needs anything and vice versa.

Juillet Ciernik
"It's too cold today, I'd rather not go out. Huh? You want to see the snow together? I'll go then, don't give me those puppy eyes!"
Chicory's boyfriend, both very excited to spend each day together even if they just idle at home. They're both fast paced city people and food enthusiasts that match the other's energy well. Chicory likes to play with his hair a lot, there isn't much of a sense of personal space with them I guess. Anyone would think they were a couple before they even noticed it themselves.

Koko Giese
"How nice that you're done with medical school...What!? Still paying your loans? Oh no, don't remind me that's next..."
Two friends who met in college. Koko is like a big sister since she's Ennis' age, a settled adult who's married and has a full time job now. Chicory admires her high spirits and mature side, but they also act very goofy and casual with each other mostly. They laugh easily, shop together, and occasionally have girl's nights in the city.

Character Design

Design Notes

- 5'4. She almost always wears a bow on her head.

- Fashion consists of pinafores and overall-like jumpsuits.

- Posture is usually hands behind her back, sort of curious looking.

Color Palette
From left to right: skin, eye, hair, hair, clothes

Character Gallery
