Dioscuric Carambola

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Carambola FULL NAME
19 AGE
Sauzieu HOME
Toyhouse | Artfight (ID: 91670) LINKS


A weapon she can summon at any time. She could break the staff in half and weild two if needed.

To decorate or tie her hair, but occasionally to tend to minor injuries.

A magical cat companion with a party hat. He seems to be the spirit of a black cat she once met.

Sea glass
A gift received after many years, a nostalgic little memory.

She can summon them, but wouldn't you get sick of it with time?


Magical Girl
This character is a magical girl.
Freshly Fruity
This character is inspired by or related to a fruit.
This character is a ghost/spirit.
Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass
This character has a heart of gold, but is also a grade A buffoon.
Beach Lover
This character belongs with their toes in the sand.

Character Overview

Only in Sauzieu, Germany, dwells an unusually magical super heroine; Carambola! After being channeled by Peppin Angert, she set out with a goal to stop wrongdoers and protect those around Peppin. How she’s connected to Peppin and Joaquin is a mystery for now, but maybe the other magical girl in town, Porzellan Geist, is a much bigger scoop!

Carambola's personality brims with her good nature and shining mannerisms. She's naturally a very friendly and approachable person, kind enough to do tasks for strangers, and considers most of the people she meets as friends or future friends. Her restlessness and impulsive nature is a good and bad thing; she's able to take some introverts out of their shells, but may also intimidate or exhaust them with her energy. She's spontaneous and at times has a foul mouth by unconsciously cursing even when children are around. Who knows where she learned that. Her most detrimental trait could be her selflessness and heroism, being someone that'd easily sacrifice herself for others, even if she's being misled into danger. Although it's not intended, she tends to get injured and it reflects on her sister once they switch later.

Likes: others' company, heights, dad jokes, starfruit, parkour
Dislikes: outnumbered fights, cold, bad habits, bad news, injuries

Character Lore

CW: Child death mentions

Carambola’s childhood may have been a short one where she had died at 5, but she remembers being human as if it was yesterday. Joaquin smiled a lot more in the past, Peppin was just a baby, and her mother was still around. She was a gleeful child that was looking forward to the birth of her little sister, a child who just started going to school and had a calm life. She remembers walking to school on the first day, finding a brunette girl crouched at the shore, their uniforms being the same. Approaching the shy child, she ended up skipping school to stay by her new friend who was too afraid of going to school. “If he finds out I’m not at school he’s going to get mad. My dad is scary when he’s mad.” Carambola said her father was the same, but turned the conversation to a lighter topic and played on the beach with the girl. The other girl’s father was opposite of Carambola’s forgiving father, he was the violent type, but the two didn’t discuss that. Even then, the brunette girl thought they had a lot in common and and took a liking to Carambola; thinking they have similar fathers, both having little sisters on the way, and so on. When they did get caught by their parents they did get scolded, but looked past it if they could go to school and see a friend already. It was a brief friendship between the two though, because Carambola suddenly didn’t come to school one day— She passed away. Everyone dear to her missed her, her friend moving away but clinging to the memory of her, but Carambola’s newborn sister would not know her at all.

Wishing to be a part of Peppin’s life, as a big sister and protector, Carambola somehow appeared as a spirit locked within Peppin. Her setting throughout those years was a world decorated in motifs of her favorite fruit, the starfruit, and she did not step foot in the world of the living until Peppin one day summoned her in error. If Carambola's purpose was to exist to fight her family's ailments, especially Peppin's, then she was summoned when Peppin was in a mentally difficult spot, living a lonely and uncertain life. For Carambola, she manifested into the world of the living, while Peppin was whisked away to a strange magical subconscious. Believing it to be a dream, she woke up the next day to several injuries and an apology note from Carambola in the handwriting of a child. From then on, the two established rules in writing, unable to exist at the same time. Carambola never explained who she was, but assured Peppin they could switch locations whenever it was convenient for her; for a fight, to skip school even. While Peppin was okay with Carambola having autonomy and going out to save others in need, there were concerns about her getting into fights. Both were natural fighters, but Carambola deliberately dove into danger because she was a better figher, and any injuries she got would stay on Peppin whenever she got her body back. Other than those occasional nuisances, she was someone that intrigued Peppin, but Carambola was always secretive about their true connection. Carambola wondered if it was for the best that way, as she learned Peppin never knew of her, yet she longed to be able to hug her younger sister one day. Of course, the possibility of that isn’t impossible if Carambola uses someone else as a vessel, but her bigger concern is someone else that’s using vessels; Porzellan Geist.

After a while of fighting many bad guys and preventing dangerous acts, Carambola one day met another Magical girl in Sauzieu, Porzellan Geist. The unusual aspect was that this girl wasn’t around to protect civilians, she was scheming against a malignant group. Her actions foiled the actions of Carambola, drawing her interest, and Carambola wants to find out what her plan is. When she came across Porzellan, she was very excited that another magical girl was in their town and her existence wasn't an outlier. Still, Porzellan was secretive of her own origins, along with who her vessel was, but vaguely insinuated that she also had a living sister to care for. Despite Carambola's efforts to team up officially, Porzellan worked on her own or through a group of henchmen she'd acquired somehow. It was shady to Carambola, but as she gets to know her and notices Porzellan's own concern for Carambola as they coexist, she is certain that Porzellan is fighting her own battle. If that's the case and each has a goal, Carambola wonders if accomplishing their missions in their afterlife leads them to passing on. She doesn't think of it too much, but if such an ending happens, she hopes that Peppin and Joaquin's happiness together as a family is achievable regardless of her being around.

Character Relationships

Peppin Angert
"I believe I was born to watch over Peppin whether I'm alive or not. She's the most special person to me."
Carambola's dear little sister who's never met or known of her existence. Because they can't exist at the same time, Carambola wishes she could one day meet her properly and give her a hug. While she doesn't realize it, Peppin comes to embrace her concern for her and appreciate's Carambola's apparent support for her even if its through notes or gestures she leaves behind.

Joaquin Angert
"What to do... he's more worrisome than Peppin after all..."
Carambola's biological father and the one who raised her(along with her late mother). She's pained to see what's become of him since her and her mother's passings around the same time, but feels relieved in the strides he takes to improve when she's a part of his life again. While it's tough to involve himself in the the life of his neglected living daughter, Carambola constantly pushes him to care for Peppin, sure her presence would also heal him.

Porzellan Geist
"Insert quote here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
Insert dynamic here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident.

Character Design

Design Notes

- 5'8 1/2 without her shoes. Her upright stance and demeanor make her seem taller though.

- Probably is very toned, but prefers layered clothes over ones showing skin. The skirt layers are removable.

- Has two braids going back that end where her hair "buns" look like cat ears. Could have any other hairstyle.

Color Palette
From left to right: skin, hair, eyes, clothes

Character Gallery