Dioscuric Carambola

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Song Title

Arcat Erastos FULL NAME
28 AGE
Sauzieu, Germany HOME
Toyhouse | Artfight (ID: 244930) LINKS


She has a picture of Jill Barber in the case.

Crafted drinks
She often gets Two Planets or smoothies to keep focused at work.

She carries small packets because she hates flavorless food.

Her last crash was enough to dissuade her from getting another.

To record herself when she sings anywhere.


This character was adopted and is homed by its current owner.
Soft Colors
This character has pastel themes.
This character plays an instrument or sings.
Coffee Beans
This character loves coffee/coffee flavour.
Happy Go Lucky
This character is light-hearted in nature.

Character Overview

Arcat is a young German woman working as Joaquin’s secretary, often humming as she works, which spirals into full-on karaoke with the office staff until Joaquin asks them to stop. Once living with strict parents that discouraged her aspirations to be a signer, she moved out and took her little sister with her for a better lifestyle. They get by with all the kind people around them now, and Arcat doesn’t regret skipping college one bit if it means her homeschooled sister can enjoy her school life.

She is naturally excitable and interested in doing things with others, so she makes a good friend and loyal coworker. She finds humor even in boring situations and can entertain others well, mostly so she isn't bored herself. Being an eldest daughter, she's caring of others but when it is reciprocated and she's on the receiving end, she becomes confused and isn't used to it. Her sister treats her kindly, and to some degree they waver from acting like siblings to acting like a mother and daughter. She doesn't ask others for help easily because her parents never helped her or cared about the same things as her. She's used to finding resolutions herself, but that's exhausting if constantly done by yourself.

Likes: Sales /discounts, Infused drinks, Video games, Celebrations, Cooking
Dislikes: Printer jams, Beans, Long projects, Parents, Lateness

Character Lore

Growing up, Arcat lived in a strict household with parents who convinced her not to trust others, aside from them. Arcat was used to being refused when asking to see a friend, to even make them, because her schooling and successes were what mattered. But kids are kids, and oldest daughters tend to stray, so she naturally still did things behind their backs, especially cultivating her passion of singing. Arcat often sang to and from school, in the hallways, very eager whenever she was in her choir class. She had a knack for it as is, knowing this may be her best skill, and the idea of excelling in something her parents didn't force her into felt great to her. No matter what they pushed her towards, she was certain she'd become a known singer one way or another. Of course, she expected hurdles along the way as long as she was at home, and having a little sister to watch over made her ultimately put her needs before her. She knew moving out without her would make her sister Verlin undergo the harsh upbringing in both of their steads.

When she was in high school, the time for college applications came, her parents already deciding where she would attend. Refusing to abide by their rules to go to a far away school, unwilling to sacrifice her passions, unwilling to let her sister follow an unfulfilling life as well, she dropped out early and took Verlin with her. With her allowances and work money saved up, money that wouldve been for an arts school, she used it for an apartment in the city. To be honest, she was very nervous about suddenly raising her sister, but the liberating feeling away from her parents was all she needed to keep going. If she was grateful for anything from her parents, it was that they tried to prepare her somewhat for her future; making her work, get a car on her own insurance. When she moved, she was prepared to work a few jobs so her sister could attend a nearby school, but the tuition was certainly high given the nearby girls school was a prestigious one. The two sisters didn't mind though, Verlin already willing to help her sister out as soon as she could also work, even if Arcat often told her not too work so hard if she would. Luckily, one accident did lead to Arcat staying with one job rather than two at the same time.

At one point, Arcat got into a car accident with Joaquin Angert. Already very stressed financially, her car looking irreparable, she went to his car to see if he was okay when he didn't come out. By some stroke of luck, he was fine, but he'd also had flyers for job applications that caught her eye. Visiting him in the hospital, befriending him, she offered to work for him to repay her moral debt. He allowed it given her circumstances, training her even without her having finished school, very flexible if she had to care for her sister anytime. With this job, and his generosity in handling her sister's schooling (as his daughter went there too), Arcat felt more at ease. Nowadays she does her best working in Joaquin's company, sometimes messing around with her coworkers with the usual pranks and banter, but her respect for Joaquin is indescribable. She jokes to him that she doesn't intend on changing jobs unless her singing really takes off, but she's at least got a handful of years left with him. He's always told her that if she gets the opportunity, he'd certainly support it. For now she sticks to singing at karaoke bars and small venues, but even a small crowd is exciting to have.

Character Relationships

Verlin Erastos
"Hey, at least do your homework before you start playing games! What, there's breaks between classes now? That's so unfair, I never had that!"
Arcat is Verlin's big sister, close knit with more respect than bickering involved, partially because Arcat moved both of them out of a strict household. Sometimes she can appear motherly towards her little sister, but neither notice the comparison if their mother wasn't an ordinary one in their eyes. They are both very happy currently and expect to share a living space for many years to come.

Joaquin Angert
"I'm sure I'm not the first to say this but...make sure you take a break."
As Joaquin's secretary, Arcat is ready to shoulder his excess work(if he evens allows her to). She feels largely indebted to him after he gave her the job, after they met through a car accident she caused. Her persistence visiting him in the hospital every day made him respect her, and he understands ultimately she deserves a singing career rather than a service job. They're both polite unless Joaquin scolds her for chatting too much during work.

Fabel Perrault
"Ah, this one goes out to my friend, Fabel! Thank you for always listening!"
A friend of Arcat's that she met when she sang at a karaoke bar one day, simply because he thought her singing voice was cool. Fabel likes to surround himself with people who are silly, so the gap between her powerful singing voice and her clumsy demeanor was enough to strike a conversation. He learned she had more in common about music tastes with his girlfriend, Satie, also introducing them. Perhaps because sales work has conditioned her to do so, she asked about his motorcycle and made him her client after...

Character Design

Design Notes

- 5'5. Often wears long sleeved sweater dresses and knee high boots.

- Her hair is naturally pink but she dyes it a lot of extra colors. The inner side is white.

- She likes to wear jewelry and makeup, overall very feminine. She looks bubbly but very cool when she sings.

Color Palette
From left to right: skin, eyes, hair

Character Gallery