
Currently Playing:
1/3. Instinct by Sheena Ringo (Okeiko piano cover)

Arcadia Nadin FULL NAME
Stoat/Human SPECIES
35 AGE
Arlyne HOME
Toyhouse | Artfight (ID: 820864) LINKS


It's a peach fragrance.

A bulky brand name bag.

Only to look good in public.

Mahjong tile
There's an honor suit tile that seemed to fall into her purse one day.

Strawberry Tarts
Sweets she made with her children.


Good for her!
MMM Bread
This character bakes.
This character is the CEO of a company.
Canon Parent
This character is a parent or caretaker.
It's Complicated
This character is in a complicated relationship.
This character either comes from or has wealth.

Character Overview

Arcadia is the Stoat CEO of a research corporation, rivaling Freya’s role as the Sultana Corp’s CEO, but the two business ladies have a complicated history. After seeing Freya marry,divorce,and adopt 2 children, Arcadia adopted two children herself; Urtë and Mecho. Despite their separate lives being established, Arcadia still wants to be by Freya’s side.

She is incredibly smart, always many steps ahead of others, and she was known in school as a smart kid. As an adult, she uses her smarts to get her way even if it means using others as her stepping stones. She's not entirely self seving either, conscientious and returning favors for those who do help her succeed. Her demeanor is that of a ladylike and neat woman, feminine and elegant. It's definitely how she prefers to act, but it draws mixed feelings from others; that she may be a sly person, or she's weaker than she looks, but her soft spoken nature will always tilt others to listen to her and be manipulated. She's a negative thinker with a bad temper, even if she hides it well. She hates losing and stubborn people who don't listen to her. Perhaps she sees them as challenges to conquer, but even that isn't a good mindset to have. To her, it's what can make the weak stronger.

Likes: Danger, Autumn, Lace, Desserts, Reading horror
Dislikes: Love songs, Squash, Pollen, Strong alcohol, Betrayal

Character Lore

Since her early childhood, Arcadia grew up in a weathly household, her parents' stubborn and cynical personalities passing onto her. They were untrusting of others but those in their circles, focused on success and personal gain, advising Arcadia to always rely on herself. Realistically, her parents should have held her hand throughout her upbringing, but even if they laid out some plans for her, they weren't present for her accomplishments if they had their own to keep doing. Having a kid wasn't going to hold them back.

As a student, Arcadia focused heavily on doing well, for her own pride than to be praised by others. Sure her parents were going to pay for her studies or tuitions when needed, maybe even for her own housing once she was done, but she preferred not to make them feel so useful. She was seen as a nerdy and antisocial person at school, a modest looking girl in glasses who didn't have many friends, just books. Being in the highest classes, she often crossed paths with Freya, a likewise studious person, but her impression was that of a withdrawn and cool person. Doubtful, Arcadia never thought of her as perfect, that she must be missing something like she was. At first, Arcadia did try to befriend Freya for the benefit of their connection; two smart individuals who could use the other as a stepping stone in the future. Still, her facade was seen through, but Freya had no choice in pushing her away if they constantly worked on assignments together. Through their moments together, sometimes alone, Arcadia felt herself fall in love for the first time. If her impression was broken down from the start, she became honest around Freya, too much that she enjoyed having someone she confided in. Freya spoke to her more than she did with anyone else, still quiet mostly, but there was subtle pining that indicated they would have liked to be together in the future even as something platonic. And so, when they graduated they parted ways, attending different colleges. From what she'd heard next of Freya, she had married a man, while Arcadia continued to be on her own. She didn't care about the medical field herself until Freya stressed the importance of it before, how there's areas that should be improved. With no particular ambitions, Arcadia figured that if she got into that field, not as a doctor but on the business side, she could easily do so. Sticking with that and working with business connections her parents had, Arcadia worked to become the owner of her own company.

As if fate always went in a circle, Arcadia happened to see Freya again into their early adulthood at a large meeting. Arcadia thinks she would have just ignored her, but Freya invited her to dinner that afternoon so they could catch up, uncharacteristic of her to take the initiative. In their conversations, she'd learned Freya's marriage was a short one, but in its aftermath she had adopted a child. Even if the two of them were solitary in nature, Freya was never alone, but Arcadia was, always. As her business thrived and she saw Freya occasionally, Arcadia still felt that she lacked companionship. She didn't want to intrude on the relationship Freya had with her kids, especially after she got Paars, so perhaps having her own child might be a good idea. She had the means to care for them, so she intended to adopt just one child for now, bringing Urtė into her family. She felt her children should keep their last names unless they'd prefer hers in the future, or out of fear that they wouldn't click. However, Urtė thought she was a wonderful mother, sometimes like a sister, but certainly who she considered her family. Soon enough, Arcadia adopted Mecho next.

Nowadays, Arcadia continues to work and spend time with her childen when she isn't busy. By now, she and Freya each have two kids in their families, so the idea of moving in together may be too tricky. Arcadia still prefers a less chaotic household as well, knowing Freya's kids aren't as calm as hers. Perhaps when they've all moved out, she could retire alongside Freya. For now she still cherishes each day of her kids' youth and all they work towards. She doesn't communicate much with her own parents or family, all of their tough personalities blending together in her eyes, wondering if she's become a kinder person than they are. As a mother, she tries to show her appreciation and support to her kids, reminding them that they're loved even, something she didn't grow up hearing unconditionally. She looks back on the hateful person she started as, still uncaring of many now, but she tries to start caring for those around her without expecting things of them. That's always been her toughest quality, thinking of how useful others are to her, but being on the same level is nicer to be on.

Character Relationships

Urtė Trinetta
"You mean to say you're only going on walks because of a pokemon app, and sleeping more because of another one? Are there any others I haven't heard of?"
Urtė is Arcadia's adopted daughter, a teenager now who's into a lot of technology that Arcadia doesn't understand. Of course, both explain things to one another and listen well, and their way of speaking is more like sisters until Urtė calls her mom occasionally. Otherwise, Urtė refers to Arcadia by her first name.

Mecho Segebrecht
"Sweetheart, I don't think all those tools are going to fit in your backpack. Actually, I don't think your teacher needs you to bring a drill in the first place..."
Mecho is Arcadia's youngest child, her only son, adopted like Urtė. She was especially more careful with him when she got her footing as a parent, but she did also end up with a son that's somewhat hard to keep up with. He excels in so much that she's used to going to shows, competitions, etc. for every little subject. In a way, it's like suffering from too much success with this little guy.

Freya Sultana
"Did I surprise you? At least show it on your face. You sure haven't changed after all this time."
Former classmates with a lot of unresolved romantic tension, two unhappy people that had found solace in the other during their youth. Now running into each other as adults, Arcadia is more confident in treating Freya like a partner, but incredibly bashful in the rare occasions Freya reciprocates her gestures.

Character Design

Design Notes

- 5'5 without heels, with them she's about 5'8/5'9. She's curvy, but mostly at her chest.

- dresses in business casual mostly, likes pencil skirts and keyhole/cutout tops.

- Hair is braided with a scarf woven in and tied around a braided bun in the back.

Color Palette
From left to right: skin, hair, eyes, clothes

Character Gallery
